But in my opinion you can't play Celtic music without the right clothing. So for my husband I made a kilt last year but we didn't find the right socks to it and also some nice looking (and cheap) gillies wasn't easy to find. But just a week for the fair I found some nice kilt-hoses on the internet, in Scotland of course:), a great shop, with a lot of great stuff, there I bought the socks and I hoped the delivery would be in time. And it was! So now he did have a kilt, a sporran, a shirt, kilt-hose but shoes....... were do I get these? Looking round the WorldWideWeb I did find a tutorial for making some medieval Celtic gillies, Yes! O, no.... I do need some leather, were do I get that..... Wait a minute, don't I have some old ranch work chaps? Maybe that will do and it did! First I made a pattern out of cupboard and made some changing here and there. Cut them out of the leather and did the sewing and I made my first pair of shoes! So everything was just done in time for the gig.
It was a pity that the weather was very bad that day. It was raining almost the hole time and everything was wet. We hope on better weather for the next time!
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