A light autumn breeze has picked up this morning, the trees sway gently back and forth. The warm rays of the sun caress my face and the first yellow autumn leaves flutter around me. Clouds glide past against the clear blue sky. It's already the end of September! The hectic days of summer have flown by.
Most of the harvest has already come in from the garden, and the last flowers are in full bloom, until the first frost takes the life out of them. I made the cultivation bed ready to sow my rye today. With the hoe I make shallow furrows. The mixed scents of the freshly turned earth, the sweet scent of the fallen apples give a feeling of satisfaction.
When I sow the seeds a little later, the silence is broken by the geese's loud cackling. Such a large V-formation of geese is always fascinating to see (and hear). I think they are so wise that they know exactly when the cold will come and then fly south. I wish them a good trip and look after them until they become smaller and smaller dots on the horizon. This makes me realize that winter is really just around the corner, despite the still mild temperatures. With the rake I work the seeds underneath and now I have to wait.
But in my mind I can already see the rye, waving in a calm summer breeze, and then after the harvest I see myself sitting on the porch. To carefully braid and sew the straws together into a new hat for me or my husband .... But that is the future. Let me now just make sure that the potatoes and other root vegetables come into storage.