Six Oaks homestead
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Chips and shavings
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
simply enjoying
I was pleasantly surprised when I got up this morning, this isn't what they predicted?! At dawn, some stars still twinkle in the northern sky. A golden glow appears just above the trees. What a relief, after all those gray bleak days. After I get dressed and got outside, the sun just peeks out over the edge of the trees. The long white plumes of smoke dissolve into the blue sky. This looks like it's going to be a beautiful day! wonderful!
After quickly working my way through my daily chores, I'm soon with the spade in the vegetable garden. I've been looking forward to this. Finally back to work in the garden. Dig after dig I turn the soil. The ground is still a bit frozen here and there, but after a few stabs I can get it loose. Pfff, it's warm too, in the sun! My coat and scarf can be taken off. While I am busy, the cats also peek around the corner, they are also happy that it is not so cold longer.
It started snowing from December 1st and until a week ago it was almost constantly white. In the beginning we had snow dunes up to 50 cm! and also quite cold. In itself it is quite nice, but cycling to the city takes a bit longer. By the way, did you know that you have studded tires for under the bicycle? That's so handy! Even with sleet you can just cycle.
In general, I can conclude that it is usually about 10 degrees warmer in the house (the living room) in the morning than outside. Usually we have about 6/7 degrees, but with heavy night frost it is then 0 or 1 degree. Funny enough it doesn't really feel that cold after all... And luckily we heated the room again in no time. Let's not talk about the kitchen and the bedroom.... Frost occurs regularly.... I have no problem sleeping until minus 10 degrees, colder than that, a bit annoying... But that came luckily only in the first year, now we have a second heater for when it's so cold, but that has not been necessary until now....
After a while of hard work, a garden bed has been completely turned over, still 19 to go...
By the time we get the ponies in before dark, the grass is already crunching under my shoes. I call the ponies and what's lurking behind Bella (the old welsh pony) and Brommy (the work shetland pony)? That's Pluis! A 2.5 year old shetlander who currently looks like or he still has to grow in his fur, hihi. It's more hair than pony.
He is our new worker on the homestead. Together with Brommy, he can help us with the farmwork, wood transport and the hay harvest. But first he can grow and play a little more.
Saturday, October 16, 2021
From flax to linnen, part 1
After a long snowy winter, spring came cold and wet. Drizzly days followed one after the other. But one day it was suddenly there, summer heat! Deep blue skies and the sun's rays caressed the earth. The greenery exploded overnight. Hawthorn, lilac, and apple trees sprouted and bloomed, and our whole garden was covered in the delicious sweet floral scents.
On one of these beautiful spring days, somewhere at the end of April, a bag of flaxseeds arrived in our mailbox. I had signed up for a textile museums project here in Sweden. These send everyone who participates enough seeds for 1 squaremeter, with a newsletter about the history of flax and linen, how to sow, harvest and process. Until the late 1800s, linen was an important crop, especially for making undergarments. Later this was completely taken over by cotton, which could be produced more easily and cheaper. Now almost no flax is grown for linen anymore and so an important handicraft is lost and with this project they hope that the knowledge will be preserved.
Now that the white wagtail, which symbolizes the sowing time, has arrived again, it is time to sow my square meter. The birds were chirping in the hazel bushes that began to sprout along our homestead and the first bumblebees buzzed by. I had taken a good look at the garden to find a nice spot for my flax, preferably sunny and not fertilized. Finally I sowed them near the well. Soon the green stalks were sticking up from the black ground and just as the hay harvest was in full swing, the flax was blooming so beautifully! The frail blue flowers swayed in a warm summer breeze. I wasn't the only one who enjoyed it, bumblebees, and all sorts of other insects loved it too.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Grow your own hat, sowing rye
Monday, February 8, 2021
cleaning the carpet in the snow
As the days lengthen, I long for the promises and expectations that spring will bring. Birds flutter to and fro, singing a shy tone on this cold winter day. As if they know that winter will now slowly fade away. Cold days and nights will certainly come, but if you take a deep breath you can already smell the scent of spring.
Monday, January 11, 2021
Winter wonderland
Friday, December 25, 2020
God Jul
"Now it's Christmas. Can you feel it too? The smell of baking day hangs around all the houses and farms, and the Christmas dough ferments over the dishes and the Christmas loaves lie like shiny eels"
Stot Anders Andersson (1865-1889)
I lug baskets full of branches in for the annual Christmas baking day. The wet footprints form a trail from the outside door to the wood box. Another basket.... Slide, slide, down the muddy path past the barn.
Over the past few days, Sander has been working hard on the new kitchen so that it can be used on this day. It's not quite finished yet, but now at least the top is ready for use since last night. It's going to be so beautiful! Until recently it was a pile of planks in the shed and now a beautiful kitchen unit is slowly emerging. It has had some headaches because the house is not completely square and straight, or rather a kind of skewed ..... Here you have no use for tools such as a carpenter square or a level tool, no, Sander is making it by sight. After all, the eye must also see it in the end :) With a handsaw, a screwdriver, a hoof rasp and toeing knife (farrier for sure ;)) and a hammer he makes the most beautiful things!
Chips and shavings
Chop! Chop! The chips are flying around. He gives his axe another sway. The early morning air fills with the aromatic scent of pinewood and ...
Chop! Chop! The chips are flying around. He gives his axe another sway. The early morning air fills with the aromatic scent of pinewood and ...
What a lovely day! After days of dark and dreary weather, the sun was shining clear and bright today. Although there was a brisk wind co...
Last weeks I have made some new curtains for the living room. That was the last step for the makeover in there. Except from cleaning a...
The first of may, the time is flying! April was very cold with snow fall and not that good weather for gardening. Last year I did sow a lot ...
Today the sun was shining, the birds were singing and my lovely hens were picking in the just turned soil, it felt like springtime had arriv...